Shaheed Bhai Dharambeer Singh Ji was born on 15th March 1953 in Delhi. His father’s name was Bhai Lal Singh and his mother’s name was Baal Kaur. His father was from the village of Sahowaal, Tehsil Daska, in the District of Sailkot in Pakistan. Continue reading “Shaheed Bhai Dharambeer Singh”
Shaheed Baba Darshan Singh Ji was born in the village of Nawan Vaironangal in the Tehsil of Batala at the house of Sardar Achher Singh. At the time of Shaheedi his age was between sixty-five to seventy years old and he was religious minded from childhood. His mother and father were Amritdhari and he took Amrit at the age of ten. Even though he did not get much school education, he was very good at Gurmat education. He was a Nitnemi and an accomplished Akhand Paathi. Continue reading “Shaheed Baba Darshan Singh”
Shaheed Bhai Avtar Singh Ji was born in 1912 in the village of Kurala in the district of Hoshiarpur. His mother’s name was Dhan Kaur and his father’s name was Bhagwan Singh. In his early years he was educated at Moolak Kula primary school. His father was in the army and due to his bravery was awarded land in the village of Mintgomary in Pakistan, and so the whole family moved there. He completed his secondary education there and was married to Bibi Gurbachan Kaur. Bhai Avtar Singh was involved in agricultural work there until Pakistan was formed in 1947. He then returned back to his old village of Kurala and continued farming. Continue reading “Shaheed Bhai Avtar Singh”
Shaheed Jathedar Amreek Singh Ji was born 1957 to Harbhajan Kaur and Kundan Singh in the village of Kajala in Amritsar. He has one elder and four younger brothers.
Shaheed Major Baldev Singh Ghuman, son of Sardar Bhim Singh Ghuman and Bibi Inder Kaur, was born on July 10, 1937 at village Muhadipur, District Sialkot (now in Pakistan). After the partition his father settled down at village Bhani Bhagar (near Qadian), district Gurdaspur and here Major Baldev Singh finished his education at Sikh National College Qadian under the one of the best educators; Head Master Sardar Karam Singh Ghuman, Head Master Santokh Singh Cheema and Principal Bawa Harkrishan Singh. Continue reading “Shaheed Major Baldev Singh Ghuman”