In the Sikh Movement for Freedom, one name which appears with high regard in the Majha area of Panjab is that of Shaheed Bhai Waryam Singh Booraynangal. Bhai Waryam Singh was born in village Booraynangal, situated a few miles from Gurdwara Achal Sahib (built in memory of Guru Nanak Dev Ji) in district Gurdaspur. Bhai Waryam Singh was born to Sardar Nazar Singh and Bibi Swaran Kaur in 1971 and was the youngest of 3 brothers. Continue reading “Shaheed Bhai Waryam Singh Booraynangal”
Shaheed Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Sangha
Looking back at the glorious list of fallen Shaheeds in the Sikh struggle for Independence commenced by Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale, one name, which till the present day, still echoes around the areas of Amritsar & Tarn Taran is that of Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Sangha.

Shaheed Bhai Karaj Singh Thande

If we explore the annals of Hindustan’s history and observe the condition of the Hindu majority, we see a feeble people, oppressed in every way. At the time of Mughal rule, their women were taken away, kidnapped, raped and the community was unfortunately not able to raise hue or cry. This same community which was victim of the Mughal state for so long is, at this time, trying with all it’s might to enforce a Brahmanical hegemony on the minorities of India. But why have they forgotten that when they were being beaten, plundered and their women were being dishonored, that it was the Sikh Nation that spilled its blood to defend the poor and helpless.
Shaheed Bhai Baljit Singh Khela
The all-powerful almighty has given his people such a passionate fire for freedom that it burns away the shackles of slavery. The authoritarian governments throughout the history have tried to suppress this passion for freedom but the lovers of freedom have always fought for it, despite the tortures and brutalities of the government. Continue reading “Shaheed Bhai Baljit Singh Khela”
Shaheed Baba Gurbachan Singh Manochahal

Baba Gurbachan Singh was the last major Sikh Resistance leader to fall. The Indian Govenrment had put a RS 25 lakh reward on his head and was searching the entire Tarn Taran area for him, conducting 45 raids at one time to trap him. Baba Ji escaped each time and continued to be a painful thorn in India’s side. When all the other Singhs had been martyred and the entire Indian Security Force was on his trail, he refused the order to go and hide in Pakistan and spit on the offer to surrender. He simply could not be caught. Even in the end, he was martyred not by police bullets, but by the betrayal of those he considered his own.